
CarryKins Hot & Cold is Interconnected

CarryKins Hot & Cold is interconnected now. This brings the total number of officially interconnected games to 2. The Gamer’s Reality now consists of CarryKins Online and CarryKins Hot & Cold. CarryKins Clicker and Deliver unfortunately ran into some issues and the interconnection is no longer live.

Interconnected Gaming

Just to reiterate. The Gamer’s Reality is the full collection of officially interconnected games. An interconnected game is any game that combines its gaming experience with another. The aim is to extend the lifespan of each game, making the time and effort you invest in any game last longer and do more. We are changing the shape of the gaming experience.

ITCN Overview

The purpose of this interconnection, and generally all interconnections between the CarryKins series, is to increase the power and capabilities of the CarryKins across each game. We’re creating a centralised character store, making the CarryKins stronger the more you use them across the different titles.

This interconnection builds shallow skills in CarryKins Hot & Cold and saves the progression permanently using CarryKins Online. There is also biotin to find, which gives CarryKins the Claws power that will be carried across titles.

For more information on CarryKins lore, check out the dedicated page.

CarryKins Online Game Cover

CarryKins Online

For this interconnection this game simply provides the CarryKins to be used in game. These Numbers are able to use biotin to gain the Claws power and they will forever possess this.

  1. Go to CarryKins Online using the ITCN hyperlink
  2. Cycle through the available CarryKins with the refresh button
  3. Enter your Player ID (e.g. 302F) from CarryKins Hot & Cold into the form
  4. Complete with the interconnect button

CarryKins Hot&Cold Game Cover

CarryKins Hot & Cold

For this interconnection this game receives a Number and uses it to unlock Claws, increase the CarryKins abilities and add an extra number to the team. This is a single direction ITCN, nothing is given.
TIP: You can train up multiple CarryKins and release them

  1. From the main menu click on the symbol
  2. Take note of your Player ID
  3. Follow the hyperlink to CarryKins Online
  4. Choose a CarryKin and enter your Player ID
  5. Interconnect and return to CarryKins Hot & Cold

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