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Game updates and our 2019 plans
Game updates, patches and new releases are the life blood of any game development and publishing company. We’re no exception, so we’re keeping you up to date with what we are doing in 2019.
2019 has been exciting for Umz Games. We’re working hard on CarryKins and we’ll be releasing another 2 titles to the series before the year is over. if you’re waiting on Killer Ant Empire, unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until 2020 before you see the update.
But you won’t be in the dark for long, as we’ve got our release timeline and we’ll be putting up a page on our website so you know when to expect new game releases from us.
If you haven’t heard about them yet: CarryKins Carry Things! We kicked off 2019 introducing CarryKins Online (play here). It’s a very simple game with a large part to play in interconnecting the CarryKins games in the series. The game currently has one function: to produce more CarryKins. All the CarryKins produced online are ‘wild’ and will be interconnected into other titles.
With the coming game updates, CarryKins Online will interconnect with CarryKins Clicker and Deliver to add in direct recruitment. Future game updates will bring additional features and we also have plans for mini games.
The next game we’ll be releasing is CarryKins Clicker and Deliver. You can read more about the title on the game page (no link yet). It will be available on Kongregate from July 2019.
Play the game.
Finally, our end of year plans: we have 3 more titles to put out. It’s a very exciting year for Umz Games! We have the best game on Smart TV coming soon and 2 asynchronous multiplayer mobile titles to come. Stay with us for the rest of the year and keep yourself in the loop.